Montessori Philosophy


At Lane Cove Montessori each child is valued equally as competent and capable learners where their interests, strengths and needs are integrated into a curriculum toward the principles, practices and learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework. We believe in the Montessori philosophy ‘Help me to help myself’. We follow the Montessori belief that all children experience the same sensitive periods but the sequence and timing vary for each child. We aim to provide the setting for an optimum fulfilment of this belief along with the Early Years Learning Framework.

The Early Years Learning Framework focuses on much more than how children develop. It focuses on relationships and partnerships with both educators and children and educators and families. We believe in each child’s capacities to succeed, regardless of their diverse circumstances and abilities can develop wonderful caring relationships with both educators and the other children within their centre community to achieve their potential. We follow the Montessori approach that all children experience the same sensitive period but the sequence and timing vary for each child and aim to provide a setting for optimum.

We believe that learning should be holistic which is rich in diversity, inclusive and advocates for the rights of children. We believe that the curriculum should be based on what children know, can do and understand. We use the Montessori Method of ‘prepared environment’. The prepared environment makes learning materials and experiences available to the children in an orderly format. It will be co-constructed with the children, emerging from their own ideas, family input and supported by responsive educators who intentionally teach skills, concepts and processes within the context of the engagement.

We believe children’s learning is enhanced through meaningful interactions and play experiences where children’s curiosity is stimulated. We strive to provide a flexible routine where lengths of time are available to discover, create, explore, improvise, imagine, build independence and their disposition for learning is promoted.

We also believe children have the right to be heard and have the right to express their opinions and ideas valued. We respect and recognise children as ‘active citizens’ from diverse backgrounds, beliefs who are treated with respect, dignity and included in all aspects of the daily program and routine.

We strive to provide a safe and secure environment and build trusting relationships with all children that enhance their ‘sense of belonging ‘and wellbeing which supports their social, emotional and physical needs. Belonging encompasses different dimensions which are interconnected within the centre community in all that we strive to achieve.

We value partnerships with families as parents are the most influential people in their children’s lives. We continually strive to create a welcoming environment to promote positive reciprocal relationships, where parents are encouraged to contribute family input, share ideas, knowledge and skills. We value the contribution and ties within the wider community such as schools, library, elders, early childhood organisations and family support agencies. We as educators will be guided at all times by the Early Childhood Code of Ethics, National Quality Framework and all Early Education and Care legislation.

We pride ourselves as early childhood professionals who respect each other as a unique contributor within a visionary team. We value constant reflection of ourselves, our practices and the need to access ongoing professional development.We believe that the philosophy guides the curriculum, educators, management, our policies and procedures and is reflected throughout the service at all times.